Hypertension during Pregnancy

Hypertension or high blood pressure which occurs to pregnant mother will be very dangerous to the pregnancy itself or to the mother. Hypertension or which is also known as high blood pressure occurs when the blood which is pumped by the heart has pressure increasing, so it will result more pressure which damages the arterial walls of blood vessels. One is known as having hypertension if his blood pressure is above 140/90 mmHg (It means there are 140 mmHg systolic pressure and 90 mmHg diastolic pressure). Hypertension during pregnancy often happens if the pregnant mother’s age is below 20 year old or above 40 year old, twin pregnancy, or it can also happen to first pregnancy.

Endometriosis and Pregnancy

 Endometriosis is an abnormal condition which occurs in the layer that should protect the pregnancy cavity (endometrium). Normal condition is when the endometrium is in the uterine cavity, but in the endometriosis case, the endometrium grows in the outside of the uterus. Endometriosis often happens to organs such as ovaries, bowel, bladder, and in some conditions in the pelvic area. Even though it does not belong to deadly diseases, Endometriosis cannot be underestimated because it can affect women fertile and you will feel so much pain. If Endometriosis spreads to brain or lungs, the sufferer will get deflation of the lungs and seizures during menstruation. The abnormal pain which can be felt during menstruation becomes common complaint which happens to Endometriosis. The other common symptom is the difficulty of having a child. It happens because the Endometriosis can damage the structure of women reproduction organ and it can decrease the immune system to attack the sperm.

Ectopic Pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy is known as pregnancy which occurs in the outside of the uterus cavity. It is pregnancy condition where the fertilized egg could not stick on the mother’s uterus, but it sticks on other different places such as fallopian tube which is also known as oviducts, cervix, abdominal cavity, or in the ovaries. In the other words, ectopic pregnancy is a condition when the fertilized egg is not implanted in the right place, which is uterus. If the fertilized egg sticks on the oviduct, it will cause swelling and broken egg because of the embryo growth.

Cramps during Pregnancy

Cramps could happen a few times during pregnancy. It is not dangerous for both the mother and the baby, but in some cases cramps indicate that there are some serious problems in pregnancy that could endanger both the mother and also the baby. Cramps could happen on pregnant ladies no matter how far along you are in the pregnancy. If the cramps come often and cause severe pain, contact your doctor immediately to make sure your pregnancy is fine.

7 Ways to Cope With Back Pain during Pregnancy

Back pain during pregnancy is not a shocking thing, but still needs some of your attention. You can consider these 7 ways to cope with back pain during pregnancy – starting from physical activity and good postures to additional therapies. Back pain during pregnancy is not a new thing either because it’s something very common for pregnant women. When you get pregnant, you will also gain weight and your hormones will loosen the muscles and ligament in your whole body. But you don’t have to worry because in general back pain during pregnancy can be avoided and even be treated. You can consider these 7 ways to overcome your back pain.

The Causes of Pain in Uterus during Pregnancy

Pregnancy will trigger many changes in a female’s body, especially in her uterus. Before pregnancy, a woman rarely realizes her uterus condition, but during her pregnancy, a woman will be more sensitive about the changes and stretching in her body. Fetus movement that feels like it’s sliding in her uterus is not something that you should be worry about, but it is a sign that the fetus is developing really well. But if you feel sharp pain or other suspicious symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.

Itchy Skin during Pregnancy – Here Are How to Overcome It

Pregnancy is a whole new level of every woman’s life in the whole world. When a woman expects a baby, she gets to expect new changes in herself too, either physical, mentality, and hormonal. Because of these changes, a pregnant woman experiences new things too. Either she wants it or not, she has to get through this phase. These new experiences are not always fun, like when the baby kicks the mother’s stomach, but things that bother you like itchy skin and morning sickness. Actually itch that happens during pregnancy is normal. Usually happens at the third trimester.

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