Ten Myth About Childbirth

7. Once a caesarian birth always a caesarian birth.
This may or may not be true depending on the type of caesarian section you had along with the reasons for having a caesarian birth to begin with. VBACs or vaginal birth after caesarian are becoming increasingly more common. You will need to discuss with your doctor whether a VBAC will be possible for you.

8. Each labor gets easier.
This may or may not be true for you. Generally speaking, second labors are shorter in duration, but that is not always the case. Shorter does not always mean easier. Baby could be bigger than your first or positioned differently. Also, if you have a very rapids labor, you may find you do not have as many choices for pain medication or you may simply choose different pain options. There are any number of factors that could affect your birth.

9. You will feel an urge to push.
Feeling the urge to push is instinctive and natural right? If baby is ready to come you will certainly feel an urge to push! Well, believe it or not this is not always true. Many women do feel an urge to push, but not always. Sometimes pushing is painful and women will avoid pushing at all costs. Other times medications such as an epidural will interfere with the sensation of needing to push. Your doctor or midwife will help you to understand what is happening during labor and help you determine when you are ready to push.

10. Epidurals lead to caesarian sections.
This belief is still held by some, but recent studies have shown that epidurals do not cause an increase in caesarian sections.

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