
Ways to Overcome Nausea and Morning Sickness during Pregnancy

Is morning sickness dangerous?

Morning sickness happens because of hormonal change that can happen anytime, anywhere and in any conditions so that you might feel your daily activities are bothered during the first trimester of pregnancy. Even so for you who experience morning sickness in normal condition and are able to cope with it, it will not be dangerous, but if you experience severe morning sickness with heavy symptoms it might not be caused by pregnancy hormones but by the hyperemesis gravidarium syndrome. The abnormal symptoms of morning sickness usually are unable to take any foods and feeling nauseous when you consume water which evokes dehydration plus negative thoughts about foods and loss of appetite for certain foods (cravings). Consult to the doctor about this.


How to Overcome Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is a common symptom but even so it doesn’t mean that you could leave it alone. Nausea and sickness that you experience will affect the fetal development so you need to have your ways to cope with the morning sickness, here’s how:


1.  Eat in small portions.

When you’re at the first trimester morning sickness will affect your nutrition intake so that if you just leave it, it will hamper the fetal development, what you need to do is make an eating schedule. During pregnancy try to eat in small portions but scheduled so that your digestion can take it. Choose foods with needed nutrition to give more benefits during pregnancy especially during the first trimester to strengthen your baby.

2.  Wake up with a break first.

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Bidan Pevi Revina, STr.Keb

Co-Founder Pendidikan di Akademi Kebidanan Politeknik Kesehatan Tasikmalaya dan Poltekes Bhakti Pertiwi Husada Cirebon. Saat ini bekerja sebagai bidan PNS,mengelola klinik kehamilan dan persalinan Bidanku, juga sebagai Founder dari klinik Revina: Baby, Kids n Mom Spa. Narasumber di Kompas TV dalam acara Talkshow Wanita dan Internet, menjadi kontributor Tempo dan juga pernah sebagai partner dalam acara Srikandi Award Sebuah Ajang Penghargaan Bagi Bidan-bidan Inspirasional Indonesia
