
The Principles of Eating Well during Pregnancy

Consuming pregnancy vitamin regularly

Your foods are the best source of vitamin. Are you sure that diet gives you enough vitamin or nutrition during your pregnancy period? In fact, you have to make sure that your baby gets enough folate acid and iron to keep them health. For that reason, it is better to support your foods by consuming vitamin regularly.  


Drink enough water

It is better to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. This is because your body and your baby need enough liquid. For your information, 33% of your weight gain in pregnancy period is because of liquid. In fact, the liquid is needed to build red blood cell especially to help fetal membrane circulation system. Your body needs enough water during pregnancy to prevent constipation and control the temperature of the body.


Eating foods contain of fiber, fruits and vegetables

It is a must to eat enough food contains of fiber during your pregnancy. Fruits and vegetables help you to prevent constipation during pregnancy

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Bidan Pevi Revina, STr.Keb

Co-Founder Pendidikan di Akademi Kebidanan Politeknik Kesehatan Tasikmalaya dan Poltekes Bhakti Pertiwi Husada Cirebon. Saat ini bekerja sebagai bidan PNS,mengelola klinik kehamilan dan persalinan Bidanku, juga sebagai Founder dari klinik Revina: Baby, Kids n Mom Spa. Narasumber di Kompas TV dalam acara Talkshow Wanita dan Internet, menjadi kontributor Tempo dan juga pernah sebagai partner dalam acara Srikandi Award Sebuah Ajang Penghargaan Bagi Bidan-bidan Inspirasional Indonesia
