Kategori: Pregnancy Test

How Soon Can I Take a Pregnancy Test?

How soon can I take a pregnancy test is the first question that a mother to be has in mind. She usually has this question right after she has the sexual intercourse with the spouse. She may keep questioning it until a week after the sexual intercourse. However, keeping in mind that taking a pregnancy test has to be done in the right time is important. It is because if it is not, the mother to be will likely to have the wrong result which can be very upsetting. If this is what happens to you previously, you may want to read the following information which can be helpful to you.


Within the Eight up to Eleventh Week

A woman can take the pregnancy test as soon as your period is late. If until two or three weeks later, she still does not have the period, it will be good to have her tested. It is because the fetus is the one who produces hCg hormone. The amount of this hormone will be at the highest around the second month of pregnancy. The amount is usually shown by mIU/ml. Within the two weeks after the missed period

is late the hormone will reach its highest amount which can reach up to 100 mIU/ml. This is really a strong indication that a woman is pregnant. Thus, every woman needs to know that this is really the best time to take a pregnancy test. The urine is at the stage where it contains high level of hCG. The pregnancy test devices will likely to show a positive result which every woman has been waiting for.

Some Time after You Stop Taking Medication

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Bidan Pevi Revina, STr.Keb

Co-Founder Pendidikan di Akademi Kebidanan Politeknik Kesehatan Tasikmalaya dan Poltekes Bhakti Pertiwi Husada Cirebon. Saat ini bekerja sebagai bidan PNS,mengelola klinik kehamilan dan persalinan Bidanku, juga sebagai Founder dari klinik Revina: Baby, Kids n Mom Spa. Narasumber di Kompas TV dalam acara Talkshow Wanita dan Internet, menjadi kontributor Tempo dan juga pernah sebagai partner dalam acara Srikandi Award Sebuah Ajang Penghargaan Bagi Bidan-bidan Inspirasional Indonesia
