Simple Online Pregnancy Test before Missed Period

The indicator of pregnancy commonly only deals with the missed period. Of course, it is not true. It is just a general perception which is thought by people. The fact, even when you are not pregnant, sometimes you also experience the missed period, don’t you? There are actually other signs or indicators that tell that you are pregnant even before the missing period. So, what are they? Check them out.

The Increasing of Sensitivity toward Smells

Your sensitivity particularly toward smells is getting increased. You probably feel a little bit surprised when you can smell the aroma of dishes cooked by your neighbor. It is when commonly you are not like that. If you experience such a thing, be careful, maybe you are pregnant. The reason of this sensitivity is because of the progesterone is increased during the earlier time of pregnancy.

Online Pregnancy Test

Feeling Nauseous

As you can smell anything more sensitively, there will be a side effect for you. It is much easier for you to feel nauseous mainly if you don’t like the smells. This indicator is also called as morning sickness although your nausea must not only happen in the morning. It is commonly experienced around a week after the conception until your pregnancy is around six week.


Another important thing you need to pay attention is spotting. It can be a good tiding if you are really pregnant. The blood spots are appeared due to the ovum implantation and conception in your womb.


Just like before your monthly period, you can also experience such a cramp around your stomach. Not only is it because of the hormones, it is also happened for the implantation of ovum on the womb. The implantation is done about 8 to 10 week after the ovulation. Many women think that it is just ordinary period cramp because the time is almost the same.

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